There were three witches in oxford
I saw them with my own eyes
Laughing and dancing around with thyme
There were three witches in oxford
I saw then with my own eyes
With tiny fires brushing their hairs
Laighung and dancing with thyme
There were three witches in oxford
I saw then with my own eyes
Three going hand in hand
With tiny fires brushing their hairs
Laughing and dancinv with thyme
There were three witches in oxford
I saw them with my own eyes
As one closed their eyes
Three going hand in hand
With tiny fires brushing their hairs
Laughing and dancing with thyme
There were three witches in oxford
I saw them with my own eyes
I saw them as i looked up
As one closed their eyes
Three going hand in hand
With tiny fires brushing ther hair
Laughing and dancing with time
There are four witches in oxford
I see them with my own eyes
Awakend from a long slumber
After i closed my eyes
Four entwined hands
Glowing like embers
As time dances, we laugh as we flee